Health & Safety Guidelines
Updated April 19, 2021
Instructions for Service at SBC
- Entrance to the church will be by the FRONT DOOR only. You may exit by the back-door parking lot entrance, but you should only come in by this front door. Masks and temperature checks will be required for everyone coming to worship. If you do not have a mask, one will be provided for you.
- Sunday School will begin at 10:00 a.m. and all classes will meet together in the sanctuary rather than the separate classrooms.
- You can still access Sunday school by calling (712) 770-5367 access code 593185 if you are unable to come in person.
- Fellowship Hall is CLOSED until further notice.
- Because of health concerns, morning snacks will not be served.
- As much as possible, social distancing will be done. Seats and rows where seating is available will be marked. However, families within the same household can sit together.
- Offering boxes are in the back of the church. There will not be a separated offering time. Please drop your offering in the box upon entrance or exit. Your offering should be placed in envelopes. If you do not have an envelope, there will be some available.
- Finally, we know we are ALL looking forward to seeing each other again, but we ask that after service, you exit as soon as possible and not congregate in the isles.